This article aims to show you How to select the Best Water Filter system for your needs.

What is used to qualify as the best Water Filter System

Is it the filtration units ability to remove the unwanted impurities and contaminants found in the feed water of a particular type. A filter system may perform very well under certain conditions, specifically with a certain water type, but fail to remove all the unwanted impurities that can exist in a different water type. The degree of water salinity which is measured by concentration in parts per million or parts per thousand is always different in sea water, municipally supplied water, and brackish water source. The best water filter system for one type of feed water source may not necessarily be the best for another feed water source. Performance of a filtration system for any particular feed water source is measured by its active rejection rate and to some extent the pore size of the technology used for filtration. Having a rough idea of the volume of filtered water that you require every day and the kind of impurities that you foresee pose a problem to your water requirements are essential bits of information that will aid you in selecting the best water filter system for your specific needs. A consistent volume of filtered water per day under manufacturers specified operation conditions with an equally high rate of impurity rejection is what the best water filter system for your requirements should be able to supply. The concentration of dissolved minerals in the water is measured as a percentage known as the rejection rate. Permeate is measured in gallons of water per day and is the volume of filtered water produced.
There are many filtration technologies used today in water filtration such as Nano filtration, micro filtration, ultra filtration, and reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis is the most popular of all the filtration technologies used today in some of the most comprehensive filtration systems. This does not mean that the other technologies are not useful in filtration. The best water filter system does not necessarily have to use reverse osmosis technology only for filtration. Depending on the application of the filtration system, your budget, and the form of impurities found in the feed water among other factors, the other filtration technologies are equally as good. You are more likely to separate a wider range of impurities from the feed water sources using a reverse osmosis based filter system though. Viruses and bacteria are not removed by microfiltration, for example, can only be effectively removed by reverse osmosis. The pores in a reverse osmosis membrane range in size from 0.0005 microns to 0.005 microns. This size allows the semi permeable membrane to capture a larger number of contaminants. The membranes used in other technologies are also semi permeable to a certain degree, but reverse osmosis membranes have the smallest pores comparatively to the rest. In choosing the best water filter system, always try to fully determine your needs as well as gauge on average just how much filtered water you will need. This goes a long way in saving you costs.